What Is a Dual Flush Toilet?

The toilet is a must-have in every household and public place because our day-to-day activities are not completed without visiting the toilet many times during the day. Many people are interested in the dual flush toilet, which came into the limelight recently. Curiosity has made many of them wonder what is a dual flush toilet and how it works. The toilet’s modern appearance and water conservation mode have attracted their interest, which is why this product’s demand is increasing daily. 

How they’re used, their benefits, and the problems associated with using them – this article will unravel the hidden facts behind dual flush toilets.

What Is a Dual Flush Toilet

What Is a Dual Flush Toilet?

The dual flush toilet is a toilet that uses two buttons for the flushing process: one is for solid human waste, and the other is for liquid human waste. We can trace the revolutionary idea behind dual flush to the analogy that liquid waste will require less water. In contrast, solid waste will need much water to flush thoroughly. The dual flush toilet makes the flushing process waste less water. The structure and shape could be mistaken for a single standard toilet because of their similar appearance; however, many models exist, and they differ from each other.

The dual flush toilet was first manufactured in 1960 by a company known as the TOTO company in Japan. The dual flush toilet has been widely accepted due to the numerous benefits associated with it and also flexibility of the toilet. Like the standard toilet, the dual flush toilet has a broader hole under the toilet bowl, allowing waste to flow easily to the trapway. 

How do dual flush toilets work?

Many people might be curious about knowing how dual flush toilets work. The way a dual flush toilet works is similar to how a standard toilet works, in that the dual flush toilets need a user to control the flushing process, the same as the standard toilets.

It requires user input to function well. The dual flush toilet works by first installing the flushing mechanism, which is either buttons or handles. The dual flush toilet has two buttons that perform different functions, but both lead to flushing. 

Each button has a valve, one of which is smaller and one larger. The smaller lever is intended to flush out around 1.1 GPF, while the larger lever is intended to flush out 1.6 GPF. The bigger one is obviously for flushing solid human waste, while the smaller one is for flushing liquid waste. 

Dual flush toilets GPF depend on the toilet models and vary from one brand to another. You may choose one that suits your requirements best.

Purpose of the two buttons

The main purpose of the two buttons or control on the handle is to control water use when flushing either liquid or solid human waste. The dual flush toilet flushes the liquid waste using half a gallon of water, and this is what is mostly done in every toilet, especially the public toilets. That helps to conserve water in public toilets, especially toilets that adopt the use of dual flush toilets will save a lot of water at the end of the day. 

The dual flush toilet also works by using a little more water than the one used for the liquid waste to flush down solid bowel waste. The dual flush toilet hole is a little bit wide, making flushing a waste easier and less water-consuming, unlike the standard toilets. 

Now that you have understood how a dual toilet works, you might also want to know how an individual can use a dual flush toilet, either the one you just installed in your household or the one in public toilets. 

How to use a dual flush toilet

The following are ways how an individual can use a dual flush toilet:

  • The first thing to do when using the dual flush toilet for the first time is to do a proper study before using the toilet. However, you will sometimes rush into the toilets without studying or looking at how it looks. When you use the toilet, study it before pressing any key.
  • The next thing to look at is to check which button is used for half flush and the one used for a complete flush. The half flush, mainly for liquid waste, is sometimes identified by an incomplete circle symbol or a droplet of water symbols. A full circle symbol representing the full flushing sometimes identifies the complete flush.
  • The next thing is to press the button, but if it is a handle, it is advisable to press it gently to activate the half flush or press it down to activate the full flush depending on your bowel waste

Once you are done flushing, clean up yourself by washing your hands with soap and water. Then dry your hands with toilet paper or a towel.

Benefits of a Dual Flush Toilet

Benefits of a Dual Flush Toilet

The dual flush toilet is the newly adopted toilet that is widely used due to its unique function and benefits. Below we will reveal some benefits and drawbacks of dual flush toilets.



One of the benefits of a dual flush toilet is that it flushes effectively. The dual flush toilet is built up by having an option for half flush and another option for the full flush. For liquid waste or urine, you can use the half flush, while for solid waste or feces, you can use the full flush, making flushing more effective and faster. That’s why it is mostly adopted in public toilets.

Fewer faults

Another benefit of the dual flush toilet is that it is prone to fewer faults, unlike standard toilets, which tend to have more faults due to many reasons like the installation, the pipe, or the surface. The dual flush toilet has an advantage – the wide pipe hole makes flushing easy and prevents blockage; this implies that the structure of the pipe won’t clog or allow dirt to stick in it. 


There have been some talks about the standard toilet consuming more water when flushing, and there have arisen a lot of complaints from people, especially in the United States, that flushing increases their water bills. The dual flush toilet saves money because of the technique of little water to flush liquid waste, and more water to flush the solid waste helps to conserve water, then helps such individuals save money that goes to water bills.

Excellent design

Another benefit of the dual flush toilet is that it helps to enhance the bathroom setting by beautifying the bathroom with its structure. The surface, design, shape, and arrangement make it unique and the best for the bathroom. 

Single Flush vs. Dual Flush Toilets 


The dual toilet having a lot of benefits does not deny the fact that there are drawbacks associated with it. Although it has been recognized to have drastically reduced water usage, some problems are associated with this type of toilet. 

Even though it has some differences from a single flush toilet, it also experiences similar problems. The following are the problems associated with dual flush toilets. Know that it depends on the model of the toilet.

Running water

Running water is usually one problem associated with dual flush toilet type; it has an issue with water constantly running into the tank even after the tank has been full. It causes a lot of water to be wasted in the process. This is a result of a poor installation. If this toilet type is not installed correctly, then the aim of buying it has been compromised. 

A bad installation can cause less water to be retained, and likewise, faulty functioning buttons. Majorities of this problem result from human error, and it is always challenging to determine which of the flushers is causing the problem. A common error with users is pushing the smaller flush type when their actual need demands them to use the big flush type.

Misaligned flapper or seal

A misaligned flapper or seal is a significant problem with the dual flush type; this is a problem associated with the seal, which eventually becomes misaligned or worn out. When this problem happens, the tank starts leaking water, and the only method of restoring the tank to its unique state is by replacing the flapper. 

Another common issue with this seal is the tie which can go broken after usage over a long time. Most dual flush-type toilets have this zip tie incorporated with the fill valve and serve to align the base of the tie into position, which could break down when used over time, but you can double the zip ties to prevent leakage.


Clogging in dual flush type toilets can be of many types; some can occur due to the debris deposit as there are times when the water will be dirty and constraint foreign substances which deposit over time. It can even be dust or dirt that settles down as compound as debris, often resulting in malfunctioning the fill valve in the zip tie. It affects the water flow into the tank and demands the valve to be well cleaned by washing out the debris.

The dual flush type toilets are often placed on sewage systems that were not designed for them, resulting in clogging. Often many homes rely on the water pressure from the tank coming from a high level to push the waste along the pipes. 


This problem is usually eliminated by firstly checking with your plumber before installing the dual-type flush toilet to determine if the existing pipes allow the pressure of the installed pipe.

Pay attention to what will be flushed down the toilet, especially if you are not responsible for what is there, or don’t flush anything that doesn’t come from your body. Waste like diapers, female hygiene products, and dental floss should not be dumped into the toilet as this can clog the toilet.

Cleaning and maintenance

It is important to note that the dual flush type toilet demands adequate cleaning more than the single flush toilet type. The issue with cleaning and maintenance deals with the fact that the tank of the dual flush models can only hold less water, resulting in the clogging of dirt. To eliminate this, we need regular cleaning and brushing of the toilet and can even require using a cleaning solution containing distilled vinegar. 

The dual flush toilet requires adequate cleaning and maintenance so that there won’t be an accumulation of dirt at the corners of the toilet. The method of cleaning also demands that the rim is regularly cleaned to remove hidden dirt. 

Replacing toilet parts

Another problem is the replacement of defective parts when the functionality is in a terrible state. An example is a flapper and the seal, which the properties of the water can damage, such as the PH level of the water and resulting in the tear or wear of the flapper every time. 

This replacement can be difficult and entail a lot as replacement demands the knowledge of a plumber with previous experience in replacing a similar model. This helps as they might know the type of replacement that fits the tank. The dual-type toilet demands that you fix any issues very well to restore the tank to its functionality as soon as the problem arises. These parts can be one of these: fill valve, flapper, toilet handle, and retaining nuts.

The button function 

For the elderly, the button can be a problem. The two-button dual flush toilet can make some people struggle after using the toilet and lead to any problems due to overuse, misuse, or lack of knowledge on using it. 

Even young children are always stuck in between trying to know which of the buttons to reach out for. The issue with the button getting stuck is another part that causes water to flow in regularly without stopping.

Incompatibility with the plumbing

Incompatibility in plumbing will always be a problem in certain situations when the initial installation was the single flush type mechanism and needs to be replaced with the dual flush type toilet. The design for the existing installation is often not compatible with the dual type; there is always an issue of compatibility.

The old installation can result in dip and other issues that can prevent the toilet from working as required due to the old plumbing design and affect the toilet’s performance. It requires adequate consultation with professionals before switching to the dual flush type.

Higher toilet repair cost

The cost of replacing the parts of a malfunctioning dual flush toilet is always much. For every problem that occurs, it is required to budget about twice the amount because there are two flushing mechanisms, and it is usually increased with the plumber’s assistance in fitting the broken parts.

Know that your plumber may charge you based on your location, the time the damage occurs, how long the damage has lingered on, the duration of the usage and how much maintenance you have given to the toilet in the past. Every toilet is bound to experience specific issues. Still, it is very important to stay abreast of these issues before they start and, most importantly, maintain and use toilets properly

Dual Flush Toilet Price

The cost of dual flush type models is constantly increasing due to their demand, especially their increased efficiency and adequate water conservation. They can be more expensive than single flush-type models. 

Depending on the model and brand, a dual flush type can be purchased for around $300 to $2000. This accounts for their increased usage as public toilets due to their benefits. Initially, when they were first introduced to the market, they were more expensive, but as they are phasing out the single flush type, their prices tend to be a little reduced, and the basic models can be gotten for a price of $300. 

Dual Flush Toilet Price

Single Flush vs. Dual Flush Toilets 

Knowing what a dual flush toilet is, has made people compare the single flush with the dual flush to know which one is better. These types of toilets got their respective modes of working or the mechanism by how they perform their functions. 

The single flush types are the most common in homes, especially the standard types seen in both older and modern homes. They work by pulling the lever or handle down, releasing the water from the cistern, and flushing away.

The other dual flush toilet gives you two options with your flushing, depending on the nature of your waste. They are the latest design with improved functionality and water conservation. 

Each of these toilets has its functionality and uniqueness. It is pertinent to say they are more important in their unique ways, which is why we have to compare both. Find their comparison in the following.

Water usage

According to research, toilet flushing accounts for the highest water usage in homes and offices, with an average time of more than 6 times daily. Single flush toilets are responsible for this, while dual flush types can only consume water based on either the half flush or full flush, depending on whether you use your toilet for defecating or urinating. Comparing both of them on water usage, it is clear that the dual type is the best and most widely used in restrooms and bathrooms.


In every way, the dual flush type is the best in terms of aesthetic value – it offers a great minimalist look and is the best option when you want a distinct style and look.


Single flush toilets are less expensive than the contemporary dual flush types but waste more water, which is why dual flush is commonly found in public toilets and restrooms. The dual flush type can be expensive, but they offer a significant advantage for the money spent on aspects of their dual flushing option and the stylish look.

Are Dual Flush Toilets Worth It? 

The dual flush toilet is worth it with its two-button flushing system to flush out the toilet waste. Dual flush-type toilets are an excellent way to save water and compared to the traditional ones, they retain less water in the tank at any given time.

There are problems associated with the dual flush type as well. Still, the advantages outnumber the disadvantages in the long term, and we can conclude that they are worth it and can save money on water bills when compared to traditional flush-type toilets.


When searching for a new toilet or installing a new toilet in your house or business building, the type of toilet and the model that best suits your needs should be considered. The two primary types of toilets, single-flush and dual-flush toilets, will always be presented as an option.

Now you know what is a dual flush toilet and the advantages it brings. With its improved look and functions, the dual toilet is gradually replacing the single flush toilets in most homes and establishments. It’s necessary to say that the dual flush type toilet can be expensive due to its luxurious style and model, but in the long run, its functionalities cover it. 

Before getting one, it is important to research if it adequately meets your needs and demands. It is also pertinent to look them up on the Internet and check out what the interior and exterior look like and how they operate smoothly. Overall, the dual flush toilet is ideal for water conservation and is worth it anytime, provided you use it properly.

Anytime you decide to purchase anything, especially home fixtures, it is recommended to ask for a guarantee. This not only shows that the brand is trustworthy but also tells that the product is worth it. Despite this, remember to check for customer experiences and product ratings.

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