How to Unclog Toilet When Nothing Works

Nobody wants to think about having a clogged toilet. It’s not only inconvenient but unclogging the toilet can be revolting. So, what are the best methods for unclogging a toilet when nothing else works? We researched and devised a few solutions for unclogging toilets when nothing else seemed to work. This blog post will show you how to unclog toilets when nothing else works.

How to Unclog Toilet When Nothing Works

What Causes a Clogged Toilet?

There are several potential causes of a clogged toilet. Among the most common causes are:

  • Food trash or other material that is flushed down the toilet but does not disintegrate in the pipes.
  • Hair, paper towels, cotton balls, or feminine hygiene products flushed down the toilet do not break down in the pipes.
  • Toys, little children’s clothing items, and other items are flushed down the toilet but do not break up in the pipes.
  • Cooking grease or heavy soil has been dumped into a sink drain, which subsequently makes its way to a toilet drain.

How to Unclog Toilet When Nothing Works

A clogged toilet might catch you off guard. When that happens, you should be prepared by knowing the most effective ways to deal with it. One of the methods below to unclog your toilet can take as little as some minutes, while others may need more time and effort. When clearing a blocked toilet, the items on this list are, without a doubt, the cream of the crop.

Check the tank

The tank must have water before you try to unclog the toilet. Take off the toilet tank’s lid to check the chain that raises and lowers the seat. The issue you’re trying to diagnose may be a kink or twist in the lift chain. The lift chain may need to be broken or reset if your toilet does not flush or only partially flushes.

Check the water supply

Because of insufficient water pressure, clogs can form on occasion. Ensure you inspect the full scope of the toilet’s plumbing. If you can do a full flush, the issue will be fixed. If water runs directly into the tank, you may need to recheck the shut-off valve on the toilet’s pipe. Remove the clog with a plunger if the blockage persists after one or two flushes.

Squirt gun suction

A squirt gun can be used in place of a plunger if the latter fails to clear a clogged toilet. Carefully sucking water and squirting it in a pail is a messier alternative. After a considerable amount of sludge has been squirted, the toilet can be unclogged by pouring clean water into the bowl. Wear safety clothing like gloves and a mask to keep from getting sick. A toilet can become clogged for a variety of reasons.

Make use of a plunger

Plunging is the most time-tested and reliable approach to clearing a clogged toilet. The plunger also functions admirably in a tiny or corner toilet. First, for reasons of cleanliness, please wear a pair of gloves. Put your hand on the plunger’s handle. Then, place the rubber ring inside the toilet, above the flush lever, and slowly push down on it.

Once it’s inserted, there’s a clear absence of air. The plunger should be pushed down slowly and with as much power as feasible. Multiple strokes up and down will help create the strongest possible vacuum. If that’s the case, you’d better extract it soon. You can get rid of the obstruction in the toilet in a few minutes.

Unclog a toilet with a toilet snake

A toilet snake is a coil of wire with a hook at one end. It’s introduced into the trap via the commode’s inlet. Crank the handle in a primarily clockwise direction to dislodge the obstruction. The toilet snake can be used to retrieve a rag or towel that has become stuck in the drain. Using a toilet snake, however, can be difficult if you have never done it before.

Using soda and vinegar mixer

You can use a combination of baking soda and vinegar to clean up a clogged toilet and remove any undesirable marks. One of the key things is getting both items in your kitchen to a flushing toilet. One cup of soda should be carefully combined with many cups of water. The next step is to flush it down the bathroom sink and give it five minutes. Then, fill the toilet bowl with two cups of vinegar.

You may quickly and easily remove the mole from your toilet with baking soda and vinegar. The bubbles may be seen entering the bowl of the toilet. Please hold your flush until the water has cycled through the toilet many times.

Using wet or dry cleaner

Wet or dry washing machines might make you feel like you’re being sucked dry. It’s not perfect, but it beats the other approach we considered. For starters, wear a pair of rubber gloves for protection. Next, use the vacuum to remove all of the water. The vacuum method is effective for eradicating all mollusks responsible for clogged plumbing.

After the bowl is empty, carefully feed the vacuum hose into the opening on the floor of the toilet. Do anything you can to get it down the drain. Use a suction device by wrapping the hose in an old towel and pushing it down the toilet. Turn on the vacuum and remove the blockage when the toilet is unclogged.

Related: Unclog a Toilet With Salt

Is It Possible for a Toilet to Unclog Itself?

Unclogging a toilet is a difficult and unpleasant task, especially if the toilet is clogged with feces. Given this, it’s simple to see why many homeowners prefer to leave the toilet running until it unclogs itself.

While it is true that toilets can unclog themselves over time, this is not always the case. A clogged toilet will clean itself if the source of the obstruction is a water-soluble object. However, insoluble debris such as stones may necessitate physical drain cleaning.


A clogged toilet is unpleasant, whether at home or when visiting a friend. You are aware, however, that you must find a solution. We have provided a few options in the hope that you can quickly escape a stressful situation. After reading this guide, we hope you have learned how to unclog toilets when nothing works, but remember that things can get very difficult in a toilet. You may need the assistance of a plumber at some point.

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