How to Unclog a Toilet With Salt

Although cleaning a clogged toilet is not the most enjoyable task in the world, we will all have to deal with it at some point in our lives. Over time, all toilets become clogged and need assistance to clear the obstruction.

It’s time to get serious and try using salt to unclog the toilet if plunging has failed. The process is simple, and only a few supplies and tools are needed. For instance, using salt can unclog your toilet without calling a plumber. 

To clear clogged toilets, some plumbers even advise using salt. Table salt, rock salt, or Epsom salt are all acceptable substitutes. We sincerely hope this article guides you on how to unclog a toilet with salt.

How to Unclog a Toilet With Salt

Different Salts You Can Use to Unclog a Toilet

Table salt

NaCl, or table salt, is the most common salt used worldwide. It is a multipurpose home tool that also has a cleaning function. The only cons are that you must combine it with other components to create a powerful cleaner for a clogged toilet siphon jet. The clogs and grime build-ups that make your toilet appear dirty can only be removed this way.

Rock salt

This variety of salt, as the name implies, is typically found in the form of mineral rocks. For this reason, it is more effective in clearing obstructions than either iodized or regular salt.

Epsom salt

Magnesium, sulfate, and other trace minerals give Epsom salt its unique properties. It’s not regular table salt but a more potent component that breaks down tough waste and frees up a clogged toilet.

Related: How to Unclog Toilet When Nothing Works

How to Unclog a Toilet With Salt

You should remember that Epsom salt is the only type that works rapidly to unclog a clogged toilet. The second and third categories are better suited to overnight tasks that don’t require your immediate attention.

Unclogging toilet with Epsom salt

Only a cup or two of Epsom salt is needed to successfully unclog a toilet, making this 16 oz bag perfect for your do-it-yourself needs. Please wait 15 minutes after pouring one cup of salt into the toilet bowl for it to float.

When water and magnesium sulfate are mixed, a unique bubbling noise is produced that is an immediate indicator of the reaction. If you wait a few moments after pressing the flush button, you should see the clogged toilet drain away.

Unclogging toilet with rock salt

If you need to unclog a toilet, rock salt is another good choice. To begin, combine rock salt with water in a bucket, and make sure all of the salt has dissolved into the water. Then, dilute the solution with two gallons of boiling water.

The next step is adding the solution to the water in the toilet. Give it at least 8 hours to sit, ideally overnight. The last step in unclogging a toilet is to pour hot water and flush it. In addition, this method can be used on a monthly or weekly basis for regular toilet maintenance.

Unclogging toilet with table salt

Third, you might try using household salt to loosen the clog in the toilet. In this instance, salt must be combined with other cleaning chemicals, such as baking soda. Equal parts of salt and baking soda, measured in cups, should be included in the mixture. Add 12 cups of hot water and pour it into the toilet bowl. It bears repeating that you should never use boiling water to flush the toilet.

Allow the fix to sit overnight and take effect. You can attempt to flush the clog away first thing in the morning, but we suggest going the extra mile and using a plunger. To be specific, you can ensure the blockage is gone by plunging the toilet before flushing.

Why Use Salt for Unclogging a Toilet

Why Use Salt for Unclogging a Toilet?

Many users wonder why they should bother with salt when there are so many store-bought options for clearing a clogged toilet. We can think of at least three good reasons for you to choose salt.

Salt is cheap

Two of the main reasons why salt is so commonly found in kitchens are that it is a great seasoning and cheap, especially in large quantities. While commercial products are more expensive than salt, they are still affordable.

It’s environmentally-friendly

Using salt eliminates the need to worry about the presence of harmful compounds or the potential for unintended consequences. It’s the safest method, as it doesn’t involve using your hands and is also the most comfortable.

It’s available in every home

There is always a bag of salt in the kitchen, so you can swiftly respond to a clogged toilet and clear it out. Also, you don’t want to put off dealing with a restroom emergency until you can get your hands on a store-bought solution.

Related: How to Unblock a Badly Blocked Toilet

How Effective Is the Salt Method

It is difficult to tell if a do-it-yourself project will yield the desired outcomes. However, since Epsom salts and water produce a chemical reaction, this method is recommended only if you know that biodegradable trash is clogging the drain. This is because you merely speed up the natural decay process, rendering this approach useless. In addition to being an efficient unclogging tool, salt helps neutralize noxious gasses and eliminate unpleasant odors. Clogs made of tiny debris, like hair, are also preferable.


We hope you find these cleaning tips on how to unclog a toilet with salt. We’ve broken the process into three steps to help you unclog the toilet. There are many ways to unclog a toilet, but salt is one of the most effective. It’s simple and quick to use, and it’s cheap!

Always wear gloves and safety glasses when handling the salt solution or any other solution because it can sting your eyes and skin! You should always try this method because it works well on most clogs.

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