How Heavy Is a Toilet?

How Heavy Is a Toilet

A toilet and a shower are required in any “modern” home. However, finding a large enough area is not always possible, so the owner of an apartment or small house must be resourceful and make the necessary decisions to install the necessary pipes. To create a functional and appealing toilet, it is critical to accurately …

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What Is a Washlet?

What Is a Washlet

If you’re a perfectionist, you’ll probably want to furnish every inch of your home with the best furniture money can buy. And the washroom is the first place anyone starts to maintain. Building a bathroom is only the first step; regular maintenance of all its components is essential. That’s where toilet washlets come in.  Even …

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How to Unclog Toilet When Nothing Works

How to Unclog Toilet When Nothing Works

Nobody wants to think about having a clogged toilet. It’s not only inconvenient but unclogging the toilet can be revolting. So, what are the best methods for unclogging a toilet when nothing else works? We researched and devised a few solutions for unclogging toilets when nothing else seemed to work. This blog post will show …

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How to Install TOTO Toilet

How to Install TOTO Toilet

Toto makes various toilet models that can be used in almost any bathroom design. They offer many environmentally friendly low flush types and one- and two-piece variants. When installing a Toto toilet, remember that some models include a special PVC outlet pipe that must be installed before the toilet can be installed. Continue reading to …

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How to Increase Water Level in Toilet Bowl

How To Increase Water Level In Toilet Bowl

It’s worthwhile to learn basic toilet maintenance and repair skills if you want to avoid having to call a plumber every time there’s a problem. There’s a lot to talk about, but this article will only cover how to increase water level in toilet bowl. If the water level in the toilet bowl rises too …

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How to Tell if Toilet Is Leaking Underneath

How to Tell if Toilet Is Leaking Underneath

You should always check the cause of a toilet leak at the base. Wasted water and ruined flooring are both side effects of a leaking toilet. They may indicate a more serious plumbing problem. And if you can’t figure out how to tell if toilet is leaking underneath, then keep reading this blog to learn …

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How Much Water Does It Take To Flush a Toilet

How Much Water Does It Take To Flush a Toilet

Flushing toilets has been a significant concern for some people due to the number of gallons of water it requires to flush the toilet. People’s complaints about the toilet using a large amount of water when flushing has brought this never-ending question of how much water does it take to flush a toilet? And the …

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How to Unclog a Toilet With Salt

How to Unclog a Toilet With Salt

Although cleaning a clogged toilet is not the most enjoyable task in the world, we will all have to deal with it at some point in our lives. Over time, all toilets become clogged and need assistance to clear the obstruction. It’s time to get serious and try using salt to unclog the toilet if …

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How to Unblock a Badly Blocked Toilet

How to unblock a badly blocked toilet

When you flush, water from the cistern splashes into the bowl, hurling the waste and pipe out of the house. If your toilet is clogged, it may take a long time for the water from a flush to drain, causing the bowl to overflow. Of course, if this happens to you, you should stop flushing …

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